Mr Astley is available to speak...

Mr Philip Astley, late Serjeant-Major in His Majesty's Dragoon Guards, begs leave to inform a loyal public he is now available to recount in person the enthralling history of 'is life as h'equestrian, h'entrepreneur, and h'initiator of a h'entertainment 'e 'as 'ad the pleasure to perform at 'is London h'Amphitheatre; for the Royal Families of Great Britain, France, Belgium, Vienna and Belgrade; also on tour in England, Ireland, h'and Scotland. 

Enlivened by h'appropriate contemporary music, and colourfully h'illustrated.

Painstakingly researched to bring a true story vividly to life in celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the World's First Circus Performance at Ha'penny Hatch, Lambeth, London, on 4th April 1768. 

Suitable for educational h'establishments, studio theatres and private performance.

Modest fee.  Particulars to be had by return upon contact to:

See a 5-minute extract from ‘Audacious Mr Astley’ at